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Research of the possibility of application of burnishing as a finishing process for Al-SiC composites

Stefan Szczepanik, Waldemar Polowski, Kazimierz Czechowski, Marek Wojtaszek, Jerzy Krawiarz 1, 4, 5 Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza, Wydział Inżynierii Metali i Informatyki Przemysłowej, al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, Poland 2, 3 Instytut Zaawansowanych Technologii Wytwarzania, ul. Wrocławska 37a, 30-011 Kraków, Poland

Quarterly No. 2, 2007 pages 87-93


keywords: Al-SiC composites, extrusion, burnishing, structure

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abstract Mating surfaces of machine elements must fulfill certain, mostly higher requirements, for their state of surface layer (WW). This surface with desirable properties is constituted during the finishing process. Taking into account the difficulties in the machining of these composites, the possibilities of application of burnishing to surface processing of structural elements was tested. The materials for burnishing were manufactured by extrusion of PM aluminium preforms and the aluminium-based Al-10% wt. SiC composite. The state of surface in dependence of allowance U during burnishing was analysed. The specimens after burnishing using NUDc-s head with allowance in range up to 0.07 mm and the surface profiles of materials in their initial state after machining and after burnishing are presented. Using these results, the following geometrical surface parameters were analysed: Ra - surface roughness parameter, KRa - ratio of reduction of surface roughness, Kz - ratio of surface roughness irregularity of deformation and d/2 - ratio of plastic deformation in dependence of the magnitude of allowance U. The microstructure of Al material shows the material’s continuity after burnishing process.

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