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Solving technological problems of flight services at airport involving composite materials

Marina Romele, Anwar Zabirov, Rafał Chatys, Władimir Szestakow

Quarterly No. 2, 2024 pages 123-129

DOI: https://doi.org/10.62753/ctp.2024.07.2.2

keywords: aircraft, flights, simulation modelling, algorithms, composite materials, technological processes

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abstract Inadequate information support and dispatch of the execution of individual operations of the technological process (especially the repair of composite structures) of aircraft preparation for a flight is one of the reasons for delays. In this regard, there is a need to study the management processes of airport services that ensure the performance of individual technological operations in the preparation of aircraft for departure. This problem belongs to the class of multi-criteria problems, which is solved using simulation modelling. The model is represented by an interconnected set of modules, each of which is associated with a separate technological operation of the general technological process, i.e. the technological process is divided into separate technological operations. The links of individual blocks of the model reflect the information and technological links of a real set of technological operations of flight preparation for departure and are represented by the synthesising algorithm of the simulation model.

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