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Development of a method for producing composite parts of the TRIGGO electric car based on A.S.SET epoxy resin powder – feasibility study

Anna Boczkowska, Łukasz Stachowicz, Rafał Budweil

Quarterly No. 4, 2024 pages 246-252

DOI: https://doi.org/10.62753/ctp.2024.06.4.4

keywords: GFRP, samochód elektryczny TRIGGO, żywica epoksydowa w proszku, formowanie arkuszy termoutwardzalnych, motoryzacja

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abstract Composite materials due to their outstanding mechanical properties and light weight are becoming increasingly important in the automotive industry, helping to develop lighter, more durable and environmentally friendly vehicles. It is especially important in the context of electric cars such as TRIGGO. It is an innovative electric vehicle (EV) designed with a focus on urban mobility. One of the unique features of this car is its compact design, aimed at providing a flexible solution for city driving. In this paper a method for manufacturing composite components of the TRIGGO electric car body by pressing technology, based on the innovative A.S.SET resin is described. It was confirmed experimentally that selected components of the TRIGGO vehicle body are feasible to be fabricated by pressing technologies using SemiNEMpreg pre-impregnated material based on A.S.SET epoxy resin. The studied technologies cover thermoset sheet forming using a membrane press or a hydraulic press, also using a vacuum-assisted oven. These technologies were adapted to the requirements of manufacturing composite parts, with a special focus on the cost-effectiveness of the process. Owing to the use of the fast-crosslinking snap-cure epoxy resin with the trade name NEMresin (known as A.S.SET), it was possible to shorten the crosslinking process to 15 minutes. The studies made it possible to select the type of mold depending on the geometry of the component and the applied technology. The studies led to the determination and matching of the type of component to the type of mold and predestined manufacturing technology, taking into account the most important factors affecting the start of mass production, such as the number of pieces, the surface quality of the component, i.e. roughness coefficient and surface finishing, mold cost, process time, process cost, required repeatability, quality of the target component structure, as well as the cost of finishing. The developed technologies are innovative and allow the low-cost batch manufacture of composite parts for the automotive industry.

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