Impact damage live-time analysis of modern composite materials using thermography
Patryk Jakubczak, Jarosław Bieniaś, Barbara Surowska
Quarterly No. 4, 2014 pages 219-223
keywords: FML, impact, NDT, thermography
abstract The purpose of the study was to evaluate the possibility to use the thermography method in damage extent analysis for fibre metal laminates subjected to low–velocity impacts. On the basis of the obtained results, it has been found that the thermovision method may be used as a relatively effective method for damage identification in fibre metal laminates. It is possible to use local temperature change monitoring in FML as a diagnostic method for these elements in real time. On the basis of the studies it has been shown that depending on the impact energy, the local temperature changes. The values of this change depend on the impact energy. Moreover, the damage area in which the thermal change occurs is dependent on the impact energy. The damage areas estimated using thermography are similar to the damage areas measured by other methods known as more effective and certain. The energy absorbed by a laminate during the impact process is correlated with the process and type of laminate damage. It can be assumed that the observed thermal changes are caused by the degradation process of the structure as the results of deformation, matrix and fiber cracking, delamination initiation and propagation, friction and laminate perforation.