The Hybrid Nickel Electrochemical Coatings Ni-SiC-PTFE
Benigna Szeptycka Instytut Mechaniki Precyzyjnej, ul. Duchnicka 3, 00-967 Warszawa
Annals 1 No. 2, 2001 pages 137-140
abstract The investigations for producing a solid lubricant self-supplying-type co-deposited nickel coating have been made. Nickel plating bath with a low concentration of the nickel ions (45 g/dm3) and the ceramic particles: SiC with PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene) as polymer particles were used for deposition of the hybrid composite electrochemical nickel coatings. The effect of the pH (Fig. 1), the current density (Fig. 2), temperature and particle concentration on quality of the plating bath was investigated and its optimum parameters were determined. The bath to be received the name HKT-2000 and was investigated for the purpose settlement of the preliminary parameters of the bath conservation. The weight percentage of the dispersed phase in the coatings was determined (Fig. 3). The wear resistance and the coefficient of friction of the deposited coatings were determined (Tab. 1). The nickel hybrid composite coatings Ni-SiC-PTFE with the smaller coefficient of friction and the good wear resistance than those of the electrodeposited nickel were obtained.