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The forming of the surface stereometry during grinding sintered composition antifriction materials

Eugene Feldshtein*, Nikołaj Grebnev**, Aladislau Kulbitski*** *Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, Wydział Mechaniczny, ul. Podgórna, 65-246 Zielona Góra **Białoruska Akademia Nauk, Instytut Metalurgii Proszków, ul. Platonova, 41, 220071, Mińsk ***Białoruski Narodowy Uniwersytet Techniczny, prospekt F. Skoriny, 65, 220027, Mińsk

Quarterly No. 3, 2005 pages 77-80



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abstract In the paper the results of researches of the surface stereometry of sintered composition antifriction materials, which are used for plate bearings, are described. The surfaces of materials FeC2Cu20Pb10 and CuSn9C4 on the basis of iron, graphite, copper, lead and tin powders (Table 1) after grinding (Table 2) were studied. Microstructure of the first material consist of ferrite + about 20% perlite + areas of free copper + single parts of free copper and free lead. Microstructure of the second material consist of tin hard solution in copper + parts of free graphite (Fig. 1). The roughness of the surface in starting state (after pressing and sintering) is large (Fig. 2), the deformed powder globules and porous can be observed on the surface (Fig. 3). The surface after grinding is very more smooth (Figs 4 and 5). The regression formulas to calculate roughness parameters Ra, Rq, Rt, Rv, Rz according PN ISO 4287:1998 are obtained. The radial table feed during grinding practically has no influence on the processed surfaces roughness. The roughness grows, if the axial table feed grows too, and the roughness decreases, if the table feed speed grows. The roughness decreases noticeably after two passes of sparking out. The minimum of roughness is observed during grinding with small radial and axial table feeds and large table feed speed. The pores, which are on a proceeded surface, accumulate microchips and other pollutions which are formed during grinding with noncorrect parameters (Fig. 6). Key words: sintered composition materials, grinding, surface stereometry

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