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Testing Of Composites Outside The Principal Axes Of Anisotropy

* Kazimierz Puciłowski, ** Jan Lewiński, ** Wilhelm M. Orsetti * Politechnika Białostocka, Katedra Mechatroniki, ul. Wiejska 45C, 15-351 Białystok ** Politechnika Warszawska, Instytut Mechaniki i Konstrukcji, ul. Narbutta 85, 02-542 Warszawa

Annals 1 No. 1, 2001 pages 79-82



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abstract Actual way of applying the load in uniaxial tension testing produces a complex stress state in the measurement part of the specimen. In the work, a computer analysis of the influence of boundary fixing methods of the specimen (free and fixed edge) with the use of the computational system ADINA, is presented. The nature of strains as well as the local Poisson’s ratio is given, for the short fixed specimen (Fig. l), for the long fixed specimen (Fig. 2) and the specimen with free edge (Fig. 3), respectively. In Fig. 4 the depedency of the global Poisson’s ratio on the specimen’s length and distance from the fixed edge. It is concluded that for correct results the specimen with the ratio of gauge length to width over 10 should be applied. A practical method of testing when the specimen do not fulfill the above condition is also given.

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