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On the thermal characteristics of Mg based composites

Alexandra Rudajevová, Pavel Lukać Charles University, Ke Karlovu 5, 121-16 Praha 2, Czech Republic

Annals 4 No. 10, 2004 pages 133-136



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abstract The thermal diffusivity, thermal conductivity and thermal expansion were measured to obtaine the information about the behaviour of Mg composites during their heating. The thermal diffusivity indicates precipitation of the β-phase (Mg17Al12) in AZ91 alloy and in AZ91 26 vol.% Saffil fibres composite. The thermal conductivity of QE22 alloy and reinforced QE22 alloy with 10, 15 and 25 vol.% SiC particles was obtained in the temperature range of 20÷300oC. The thermal conductivity decreases with increasing concentration of the particles and increasing temeperature. The thermal expansion of Mg-30 vol.% Saffil fibres composite was measured and the results were analysed to obtaine information about the residual and thermal strain. Key words: thermal conductivity, thermal expansion, Mg composites

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