Objective function in multilayer composite ecodesign process
Krystyna Czaplicka-Kolarz*, Izabella Hyla** *Główny Instytut Górnictwa, pl. Gwarków 1, 40-166 Katowice **Politechnika Śląska, Katedra Stopów Metali i Kompozytów, ul. Krasińskiego 8, 40-017 Katowice
Annals 4 No. 12, 2004 pages 426-431
abstract The process of designing of composites is usually conducted with the view of the possibilities to obtain the defined physical and mechanical properties by the material. The present trend is that the design process should include also such actions as impact of the material or product on the environment (including its whole life cycle-LCA method), and the costs of its manufacture and utilisation. Therefore, it is necessary to apply the multi-factor optimisation in the final analysis of the design process. The study presents a certain scheme of proceeding in this area, being helpful in formation of the objective function. Subject to testing were three types of conveyor belts most frequently used in the mining industry, that is fire-retardant rubber belts composed of the 2-, 3-, or 4- interlayer core made on the basis of polyamide fabric, rubber ply between interlayers, and rubber covers and borders. In theoretical analyses, the belts were considered to be a multi-ply composite. The individual composite layers were provided with fibrous reinforcement in the form of fabric, and with polymer warp with the additives ensuring the fire-retardant and anti-electrostatic properties. With the aim to characterise the usability of the conveyor belt, three types of criteria were adopted: those relating to mechanical properties, ecological criteria, and economic criteria. The ecological criteria were established on the basis of the LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) - eco-index converted into a unit area of the belt. Using a suitable objective function, the multi-criteria optimisation was carried out. The presented computational method can be applied to determine the optimal structure of the conveyor belt (material for interlayers and covers, number of interlayers), as well as select the belt for given transport tasks. The presented method for determining the objective function in the process of eco-designing gives the possibilities to perform an adequate evaluation of the effect of individual factors on the quality of the product, and thereby gives a chance to make the proper choice. Key words: composites, ecodesing, objective function, life cycle-LCA method