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Investigation of ceramics SiO2 wettability by urea-urethane elastomer

Anna Boczkowska*, Agata Paszewska, Kamil Babski, Krzysztof J. Kurzydłowski Politechniki Warszawska, Wydział Inżynierii Materiałowej ul. Wołoska 141, 02-507 Warszawa, Poland

Quarterly No. 1, 2007 pages 32-36


keywords: ceramic-elastomer composites, wettability, adhesion, viscosity

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abstract The present work concerns the wettability of SiO2 ceramic by urea-urethane elastomer, that is used for production of in-filtrated ceramic-elastomer composites. Such composites have a microstructure of percolated phases and improved compres-sive strength than porous ceramics. During compression they retain their cohesion with the ability to absorb deformation en-ergy. Due to the manufacturing technology and desired high bonding between components, the wettability can be a signifi-cant factor that effects adhesion and promotes the filling of pores with liquid mixture of substrates. In this work the ceramics wettability by elastomer was investigated. In order to improve wettability, the coupling agents were used. The degree of wet-ting was estimated by measurement of the contact angle. It was found that chemical composition of this agents and method of their application, effect on wettability. It was found that viscosity varies significantly depending on the kind of a coupling agent used. The correlation between contact angle and compressive strength of composites was investigated. It was found that the increase of wettability increases their compressive strength.

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