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Interlaminar cracking resistance of nonhomogeneous composite beams

Konrad Dadej, Jarosław Bieniaś, Barbara Surowska

Quarterly No. 3, 2017 pages 144-148


keywords: interlaminar fracture toughness, asymmetric double cantilever beam, multidirectional laminates, beam theory

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abstract This article is devoted to interlaminar cracking research on carbon multidirectional fibrous-epoxy composites. Composite beams with 0°/0° 0°/45° and 0°/90° interfaces were subjected to double cantilever beam tests whereby force-crack opening displacement curves were determined. Additionally, crack length observations were conducted in order to determine the crack resistance curves of multidirectional composites. On the basis of the performed tests, it was found that the critical strain energy release rate for crack initiation is size independent of the material configuration. On the other hand, the fiber orientation is crucial to the critical strain energy release rate for crack propagation.

Wykonanie: www.ip7.pl