Influence of glass carbon addition on tribological properties of metal matrix composite materials
Jerzy Myalski Politechnika Śląska, Katedra Technologii Stopów Metali i Kompozytów,ul. Krasińskiego 8, 40-019 Katowice
Annals 3 No. 8, 2003 pages 317-321
abstract In this paper the investigations results of tribological properties of composite materials containing ceramics particles Al2O3 and carbon particles with amorphous structure have been presented. Composite on the metal matrix reinforced with particles was made using mixing technology. The influence of different particles on coefficient of friction and wear resistance of composite materials and materials co-operating with composite in tribological system has been defined. Coefficient of friction and wear resistance was examined in friction with limited supply of lubricant. The results of investigation have shown that the glass carbon in metal matrix materials leads to decreasing coefficient of friction comparison to composite containing conventional particles (Fig. 1). The result of glass particle addition in this composite is decrease of abrasive wear resistance. Loss mass decrease in composite reinforced with glass carbon was about two times less then in composite materials containing Al2O3 particles (Fig. 2). Glass carbon particles do not lead to intensive wear of materials co-operating with them in friction. The loss mass of cast iron co-operating with carbon was about ten times less as in composite containing alummina particles (Fig. 3). The basic reason of composite behaviour was another mechanism of friction, which was observed when analysing the condition of the surface area in the examined materials. Composites reinforced with glass carbon particles did not show the intensive destruction of the friction surface. Only particles take part in friction, the visible signs of destruction of the surface in metal matrix are not observed (Fig. 4a). In structure of the friction area of AK12-Al2O3 composite the friction signs are visible as abrasive wear of particles and matrix (Fig. 4b). Key words: metal matrix composite, reinforced particles, glass carbon, Al2O3 particles, coefficient of friction, wear, tribological properties