Fiber-reinforced ceramic materials for high dynamical and tribological loaded piston rods
Werner Hufenbach*, Markus Schneider**, Claus Weimann**, Albert Langkamp***, Thomas Behnisch*** *Technische Universität Dresden, Institut für Leichtbau und Kunststofftechnik, 01062 Dresden **ThyssenKrupp Bilstein Suspension GmbH, Ennepetal ***Technische Universität Dresden, Institut für Leichtbau und Kunststofftechnik, 01062 Dresden
Quarterly No. 4, 2006 pages 9-13
keywords: ceramic matrix composites, tribological abrasion, piston rod
abstract The profitable application of the fiber-reinforced ceramics with high loaded carbon fiber-textile reinforcement and wear resistant ceramic surface is by means of adjustable material properties or dynamic and tribological loaded component parts in the chassis range. For this, the dimensioned structure, free from leakage and tribological optimized piston rod used in the shock absorber will be acquired. The several variants of the load transmission in component parts will be investigated and the resistance values of searched fiber-reinforcement as well as the measurements taken will be determined, in regards to friction and wear of tribological systems. The aim is to reduce the weight of piston rod and to minimize the friction between the rod the rod seal.