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Fabrication of magnesium matrix composite with glassy carbon particles by pressure die casting

Anita Olszówka-Myalska, Jerzy Myalski, Konrad Wrzała

Quarterly No. 2, 2014 pages 101-105


keywords: magnesium matrix composite, composite casts, glassy carbon particles, pressure die casting

article version pdf (0.96MB)

abstract The preliminary results on the application of cold chamber pressure die casting for fabricating a magnesium matrix composite with glassy carbon particles were presented. For small-sized composite casts, processing a suspension obtained by remelting of composite ingots was applied. Those ingots were previous fabricated by mechanical stirring and gravity casting. Composite casts of a mass of 14 g, complex shape and homogenous particles distribution, without cast defects were obtained. Their macrostructure, microstructure and mechanical properties were characterized. The usefulness of pressure casting for the fabrication of particulate magnesium matrix composite casts was revealed.

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