Distribution of reinforcing particles in AK12/SiC+C composite formed via cast solidification
Anna Dolata-Grosz, Maciej Dyzia, Józef Śleziona Politechnika Śląska, Wydział Inżynierii Materiałowej i Metalurgii, Katedra Technologii Stopów Metali i Kompozytów ul. Krasińskiego 8, 40-019 Katowice, Poland
Quarterly No. 3, 2008 pages 296-301
keywords: cast composites, aluminium alloys, silicon carbide, glassy carbon particles, solidification
abstract The problems on solidification of castings are the last stage of composite suspensions production. A description and understanding of the phenomena that accompany those processes allows the forming of a varied structure of the materials produced, which strictly determines the properties of the final product. The process of forming the structure in the time of solidification of the composite cast is depending on many factors, first of all on the size and volume fraction of the reinforcing phases as well as on the kind and the properties of the using reinforcement. The results of examination shown that material of the mould in which composite suspension is solidification is also important. In the article the observation result of solidification process of AK12/ SiC+C heterophase composite are presented. The composite suspension was cast into the graphite and sand mould. In the research the temperature and time of composite solidification and temperature of mould have been register. The ThermaCAMTME25 system for changing registered in the time of composite solidification has been used. Gotten curves of composite solidification were analysed. The profile of the temperature on the walls of moulds, recorded for the start and the finish of composite solidification were presented. On the basis of gotten results, the essential influence of material of the mould on the distribution of heterophase reinforcements in the matrix have been stated.